Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rhetorical review

To facilitate the multiple choice question practice sessions we'll be embarking upon this week, it would be helpful for us to review some of the terms you are expected to know. Each day, I'll be asking someone to post the definition of a  particular rhetorical device with an example. (You will be earning credit for this, so please don't ignore the posting part of the assignment.  Others in the class will earn extra credit by posting comments with more examples of the device from your reading. Let's limit it to three examples/comments after the initial post. 

Here is the rotation to follow:
Monday: Allie; Tuesday: Sean; Wednesday: Gaelyn;
Thursday: Katie; Friday: Anthony; Monday: Lauren

What rhetorical device does my photo of Robin Williams from Dead Poets Society employ? What is its effect?

1 comment:

  1. Once Lauren does her rhetorical device #6, the rotation starts over again.
